15 Funny (Yet Disastrous) Facebook Spelling Fails. #12 is Embarrassingly Funny


We all make spelling mistakes from time to time but some of these are inexcusable even by modern standards of “Facebook fail,” a rogue apostrophe there or an extra ‘o’ here, but sometimes they’re just too horrendous to forgive. We’ve rounded up the best, ie worst, facebook spelling fails for your enjoyment.

No one wants to look dumb. Especially when it comes to Facebook, where there’s the potential for thousands of people to see it. And when you’re first getting started, it’s easy to make some rookie Facebook mistakes.

These 15 people on facebook make spelling fails so bad, sometimes they even change the meaning of what they were trying to say in the first place. Naturally, the results are hilarious.

1. That must be so annoying This person is definitely going to regret getting this facebook spelling fails later in life

facebook spelling fails

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2.It’s genetic. Gene pool I think  this kid will definitely come out as hell to complain about people after this post.

facebook spelling fails

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3. If a guy pooped (facebook spelling fails) in my head, I wouldn’t care how adorable he is.

facebook spelling fails

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