These 12 Food Items We Eat Are Not Actually What They Claim To Be.


Not every time do we get what we order for. And the same is true for the food items we eat. The ingredients listed in the back of the packet are not always genuine. So let’s check out what the companies are offering us in the name of foods.

1. American Cheese is not completely cheese.

Food items we eat


American cheese has become so popular because it’s just so easy to eat them. They are already cut into slices, waiting to be put on bread and enjoyed. But what’s not so cool is that it is made out of only 51% real cheese. Next time notice the words “Cheese Products”.

2. Artificial eggs.

Food items we eat

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They are no doubt cheap because the ingredients they are made out of are not very healthy. They are made with gelatin, artificial food coloring and water. The outer shell is made from paraffin wax, gypsum powder, calcium carbonate, and other things, which helps them to bounce once they hit the ground.

3. Bananas are not natural.

Food items we eat


The fruit banana that we eat today were not exactly the same. It was a fruit with too many seeds and humans didn’t like that. So they cross breed to make a fruit with no seeds.

4. Naked smoothies are not really sugar-free.

Food items we eat


You feel they are healthy because of the words “No Sugar Added” written in bold. But they cannot provide with 61g of fruits.

5. Zero-calorie drinks are no better than regular soda.

Food items we eat


The only beverage with zero-calorie would be water. The other drinks which claim to be are hoax. Anything which contains calorie less than 5, is certified by FDA to be zero calorie. What these other drinks do is add artificial sweeteners which tricks your brain to ask for more food to be satisfied, hence leading to gain in weight.

6. Energy bars made out of healthy ingredients.

Food items we eat


If you think that’s “healthy” to eat, then you probably have no idea how much fat and sugar are present in them. Australian dietitian Paula Norris has claimed that a granola bar have as much calories as a normal chocolate bar. This mainly happens because they use different forms of sugar to stick the ingredients.

7. Margarine is not healthier than butter.

Food items we eat


The compounds used to preserve it and increase the shelf life are definitely not good for health.

8. Plastic Rice.

Food items we eat


Fake food items are overpowering the market lately. Plastic rice is made from potatoes mixed with plastic and sprayed on with natural rice smell. To check, you can burn a grain and see if you can smell burning plastic.

9. Champagne.

Food items we eat


The only genuine champagne is which comes from Champagne region of France. Buying any other manufacturers’ items would not be worth your money.

10. Maple Syrup.

Food items we eat


The food items we eat on daily basis cannot be trusted anymore. Like the maple syrup. You might find a company selling it at a very cheap price. But they are cheap for a reason. They are prepared from high level of sugar, fructose, corn syrup, and added flavours which are not very good for our body.

11. Fake muttons.

Food items we eat

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The meats you are thinking to be muttons can pretty well be chemically transformed meats from rat, mink or fox. The best way to avoid falling for these food items would be to not buy them from stores, instead go to a market so that you can see for yourself what you’re getting.

12. You won’t eat Pringles after this.

Food items we eat


The company itself once stated that the chips contain only 42% of potatoes and the rest is from dough created out dehydrated potatoes.





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