These First Date Disasters Are Hilariously Awkward That One Must Certainly Avoid


The first-date is that special event in one’s life which set in the memory book of mind forever. It has to be something really exceptional and different. But, there are countless incidents where guys and girls just screw up the date and get a bad memory for a lifetime. You must see these awkward first date disasters so that you better be cautious on your day. #2 and #5 are inevitably hilarious.

Being on your first-date is a looked upon occasion in life. No matter how conscious you are, some disasters are common to occur. But, these first date disasters are so awkward that you will thank God that none of these happened with you. Or did it? Don’t tell me you ever faced any of these. Certainly, none of you would ever want to have any of these first date disasters on your day. And, you newbies out there! See this compilation and take a lesson for your first date.

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Check out these first date disasters that are so awkward and hilarious at the same time that you can’t stop laughing.

1. Good frequency! But management skill matters here, I must say.

first date disaster


2. This could be the worst first-date disaster for anyone out there.

first date disaster


3. Will you call it a first date disaster? I would call it “being economical”  -_’first date disaster



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