12 Dating Commandments That will Keep You From Embarrassing Yourself


Sometimes you need some dating commandments that you must follow so that you don’t end up embarrassing yourself. You will need some dating commandments as dating can sometimes be hectic, worse than that boss who makes your life hell but you sort of need the job and she is sometimes sweet with you, so you stay. It’s not easy to differentiate between the good and bad guys and to be in a healthy relationship and also not end up embarrassing yourself by falling for some guy who’s just not that into you. But by following some dating commandments you can keep yourself from embarrassing others.

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To help you escape these embarrassing moments we have some dating commandments that you can absolutely live by!

1.Never ask a guy who’s not your boyfriend, where things are going.

A good guy who wants to be with you will make it happen. No excuses. If you have to ask him where things are going believe me you are not getting what you deserve.

Dating commandments that prevents you from embarrassing yourself

2.Never be that crazy girl or guy!

If he brings out the crazy person in you, he/she is not the one for you. Just stay away from such kind of people.

Dating commandments that prevents you from embarrassing yourself

3.Don’t initiate a conversation with a guy’girl who you knows not into you completely. 

Unless a guy is making it crazy apparent that he’s all about you, don’t text, call or email first. In order to make a guy fall for you, you need to make him feel that you’re a little out of his reach.

Dating commandments that prevents you from embarrassing yourself


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