16 Things You Do In A Romantic Relationship Which Would Otherwise Seem Super Creepy


When we’re in a relationship we tend to do certain things that get labelled as being cute, or looked upon as being adorable. But what others fail to notice is these extremely adorable things are actually super creepy! Yes, maybe in love sickness we find these to be very romantic and signs of love but had we not been in a relationship with them, then nothing would stop us from labelling them as psychos or a serial killer.

Don’t shake your head, you do it too, find it for yourself- the super creepy things you do in relationship out of love:

1. Watching them sleep

In a relationship– He looks absolutely adorable when he sleeps

Stranger-danger– STRANGER IN MY ROOM!! (We’ll get to the ”watching me in my sleep” later, let’s freak out about this first.)

relationship creepy


2. Going a step further, and taking their photos while they sleep

In a relationship– Because, same- They look so adorable *making gushy lovey-dovey noises*

Stranger-danger– Someone was here while I slept? *breaking into a cold sweat*

relationship creepy


3. Having their picture, literally, EVERYWHERE

In a relationship– He loves me so much. I love seeing her face. Etc etc

Stranger-danger– What is my photo doing on his phone, oh wait, not a photo, photos. His entire gallery is full of my pictures. Wait, this one is me sleeping, OMG, he is stalking me. He is going to murder me!

relationship creepy



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