Boys! Here Are 12 Things You Should Take Care Of On Your First Date!!


First dates have a special importance in our lives. They can either help us meet our soulmate or become the most embarrassing time of our lives. First dates demand special care and attention.

So boys! Take notes of these 12 things you should take care of on your first date. Because these will help make your date memorable and beautiful.

1. Don’t be nervous

care first date


Girls like confident guys. Don’t let your fear reflect through your words or actions. Stay calm yet confident.

2. Don’t bring the ex(s)

care first date


A date is a step towards future. Therefore, don’t ever bring your past on your first date. You look dumb.

3. Don’t be a show-off

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Show-off is the new cheap. Avoid mentioning brands or money on your first date.

4. Take them somewhere nice

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Your dating spot reflects what kind of person you are. So, you should choose it efficiently.

5. Eye contact

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When your words fail to communicate then your eyes help you talk.

6. Don’t waste food

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Wasting food is simply the sign of illiteracy. Order as much as your think you would be able to finish. Take care of these small things to make your first date a success.

7. Be nice to the waiter

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Guys who are nice to girls but not nice to waiters are just unbelievable. And women don’t appreciate such men.

8. Don’t be on your phone

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Your phone is not going anywhere. So, let it have a break and enjoy your time with your date because this will make her feel validated.

9. Don’t stress

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Don’t give her the impression that you’re under stress or anything. She might assume a totally different perspective of your personality.

10. Be a gentleman

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Gentlemen culture can never go out of fashion. Open doors for her and help her with her chair. This gives a cute impression.

11. Show interest towards her

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Interest is the focal point in a date. If you are not interested in the chick in front of you then there is no point of having a date. Take care of these slight details.

12. Be yourself

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Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. You have your own personality, embrace it and see the wonders.


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