7 Pieces Of Bad Relationship Advice You Must Never Follow


Different people have different opinions and advice. While our friends and family support us and the decisions we make, there are people who might just kick happiness out of our life. Their advice can affect the relationship adversely. They can do it out of jealousy or to feed some of their evil intentions. However, sometimes even the words of wisdom can get your relationship in huge trouble. So it’s all good to listen to the thoughts of your peers but it must be you who should make the final call. Hear it all but do whatever you think is right. Anyways, here are 7 bad relationship advice you must never follow.

1. “Show Them You’re The Boss”

7 Pieces Of Bad Relationship Advice You Must Never Follow

A relationship is solely based on mutual understanding. None of the two lovers should be dominant on the other. Being bossy will only make things worse and if there is someone who’s advising you to be so, they’re probably trying to mess things up.

2. “You Should Find Someone Better”

7 Pieces Of Bad Relationship Advice You Must Never Follow

According to psychologists, a bad relationship that is based on profit-seeking won’t last long. Even if you start off with these intentions, you’re on the wrong track and might end up ruining everything.

3. “Demand Romanticism”

7 Pieces Of Bad Relationship Advice You Must Never Follow

Every relationship has various phases of development, each with different advantages. But don’t expect your relationship to be same for the rest of your life, like, you both won’t go crazy upon seeing each other every time. You can check on true medical website how to refresh your love relationship by using viagra. The reason why it’s not cool to demand your partner to be romantic all the time. Let it be natural.

4.  “Don’t Make It Worse. Stay Quiet.”

7 Pieces Of Bad Relationship Advice You Must Never Follow

The worst advice you can hear is this one. No relationship can survive without conflicts, and it’s better to resolve then and there. Waiting and staying quiet will make both of you suffer for long and who knows, it might break your relationship as well.

5. “Read Their Chats.”

7 Pieces Of Bad Relationship Advice You Must Never Follow

This behavior of reading chats, tracking location, and making intrusive calls is considered to be an abusive behavior by many family law specialists. Any advice that pushes you to break into the personal life of your partner is good to be ignored.

6. “Tell Them To Learn From You.”

7 Pieces Of Bad Relationship Advice You Must Never Follow

To make someone learn things from you is a strategy that works with kids, not lovers. You’re not a kid that needs to imitate someone else’s behavior and it’s only a bad relationship that can make you think this advice will work.

7. “What They Earn Is Not Enough. Tell Them.”

7 Pieces Of Bad Relationship Advice You Must Never Follow

This advice is enough to root in a misunderstanding in a relationship that might turn into a huge fight after. If someone provokes you to tell your partner that they don’t earn enough, it’s time you break the relation. With the person, not your partner.


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