13 Awkward Morning Snapchats That Will Make You Squiggle With Discomfort


Teens all over the world send millions of snapchats to each other every day. Every morning, they check their phones for snapchats from their friends. It’s really awkward for them if they don’t receive any snapchats. Snapchats are basically like photographic one-night stands that do not end the next morning but in less than 10 seconds.

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Here are 13 Awkward Morning Snapchats that will make you squiggle with discomfort.

1. Hey best friend, am I still your best friend?

awkward morning snapchats



2. Initially, I did not know who this person was. Now, after all the awkward and weird low, short guttural sounds he is making, I am not even sure where he is a human being or a pig disguised as a human being. Somebody, please save me. I beg of you.

awkward morning snapchats



3. With that blanket, she looks like she is wearing an outfit exclusively made for a prisoner who did a series of heinous crimes.

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4. Sometimes, things get really tough. You have to act like an Uber driver with the person you just slept with. You cannot ask her name because things have already become very awkward and you don’t want to make the morning more awkward. So just drive her home followed by a walk of shame.

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5. They both are more dressed than I have been in my entire life. Their attires and the scenario just go don’t go with each other.

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6. She is so scared, not only her face but also her hair has turned all pale and white.

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7. That wasn’t a one night stand. That was just an audition and by this awkward morning snapchat, it is clear that this guy is definitely not getting a callback.

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8.  I just need to wake up and bounce.

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9. Her expressions clearly show the miraculous powers of the handsome guy behind her. Now we know why they are so famous about that trait of theirs.

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10. Wait, let me guess. Did you just beat her in a game of snake and ladder?

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11. Can anyone please help me get rid of this stubborn girl? I don’t know who she is but she is showing no signs of leaving my house. Please help me.

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12. Rule number 1: You can make faces, post stuff on social media but can never disturb your one night stand partner if he is enjoying a peaceful sleep.

awkward morning snapchats
awkward morning snapchatsvia


13. When you have a one night stand with a girl who has multiple personality disorder.

awkward morning snapchats



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