Artist Draws Monsters Based On Drawings Of Kids & Here Is What It Looked


As kids, the one thing we always were creative at was drawing monsters. And not the basic ones, these vicious yet totally adorable creatures were our best creation. But there is one artist who spent his entire summer drawing them to perfection based on of course kids drawings.

Here are some of the drawings by Aaron Zenz, who drew monsters based on kids drawings for the entire summer!

1. If anybody calls this little cutie a monster I’m gonna break his face!

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

2. This looks like a happy elephant from another planet!

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

3. We all know the struggle of having an annoying friend who can really get on our nerves. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

4. A happy monster snail from another little planet. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

5. He kinda reminds me of the chameleon from Rapunzel. What was his name again?!

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

6. A Chimera but not the destructive kind but the happy kind, who will help you roast your marshmallows with his fire breath. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

7. Well, they look kinda together. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

8. Moana’s stupid chicken!! Wow. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

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9. That pink fella is so cute *_* Please don’t eat him!

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

10. when you had too many Mexican tacos and you burp. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

11. Cutest little Bugosaurus. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings12. Okay, no sale, this one’s kinda scary. Ew kid. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

13. Friendly little monster platypus. Wanna cuddle?

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

14. This guy definitely needs to eat something as soon as possible. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

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15. Sunflowers and unicorn both. Now that’s a great combo!

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

16. One-eyed monster rocks the world with his charm again!

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

17. So I’m guessing Mr. Bat wants an admission in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry!

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

18. Scary scary scary. 

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

19. That’s a giraffe from monster world with a lot of M&Ms

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings

20. That is definitely not a cool monster. Nope, you cannot enter the monster cool club!

artist spends entire summer drawing monsters based on kids drawings


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