Amusing Gym Fails That Will Make You Say “Do you even lift, bro?”


A lot of people have resorted to the gym to maintain their fitness. However, they sometimes become a victim of some fails which are dreadful yet hilarious at the same time. Most of the people fail to understand the whole purpose of visiting the gym. They just visit the gym because of peer pressure. Some just go there to sit on the treadmill and watch the cable TV. A lot of people, don’t have a complete knowledge of how to use the gym equipment. As a result, they are easily gulled into some hilarious fails.

You may also like: 10 Things You Should Never Do At The Gym – Note The Don’ts


Here are 12 of the most amusing gym fails that will make you say “Do you even lift, bro?”.

1. After all, seeing a girl who is working out is more important than saving the life of your bro. He just forgot the bro code.

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2. Well, the way he is working out is absolutely disgusting. Also, who wears that outfit while working out. He is looking like he needs to cook some meth post the workout. Well, it is a reference from a popular TV series, Breaking Bad.

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3. When your trainer is a gay and wants you to get shredded quickly.

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4. Well, what he did is absolutely stunning. It is one of the most creative things you could possibly ever see in a gym. However, it makes no sense to workout in this manner.

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5. What is happening here? Is she trying to squat in the curl rack? I wonder where the gym instructor is. 

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6. He is probably imagining himself to be at a music concert and finding some innovative ways to jump on the beat.



7. This guy is my role model. He is using the gym ball in the best manner possible. If you have sheer will and determination, you can take a nap anywhere and anytime.

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8. I cannot even look at this picture and I have no idea what is happening here.

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9. I think someone needs to tell him that everything that looks like a foam roller does not necessarily have to be a foam roller.

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10. When you still have the hangover from last night’s party but the gym is mandatory.

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11. Maybe he should put an entire planet there to increase the weight. Also, I hope he is aware of the scientific term called, ‘Gravity’.

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12. The first and the only time he used that treadmill.

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