17 Aimless Thoughts You Have When You Are About To Sleep


Everyone has to deal with certain thoughts which prevent him from getting a proper sleep at night. These thoughts are wide ranged and also differ from person to person. However, an average teenager from 21st century has some generic problems which restrict him from having a good sleep at night and drench him in a pool of thoughts.

Here is a list of 17 Thoughts you may have when you are about to go to Sleep.

1. If I sleep right now, I may get to sleep exactly for 7 hours and 23 minutes. 

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2. I have a lot of assignments to complete. However, instead, I will just sleep now, rise up early tomorrow and complete them before the due date.

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3. I haven’t exercised much lately. Also, it has been a tiring day. I think I should get in shape. I will wake up at 5 am tomorrow and go for a nice morning run.

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5. Should I tell her about my feelings?

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6. Did I lock the door? I think I have locked it. Should I check it? Oh, let’s just check the door for once.

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7. Do I really need to attend the first lecture tomorrow? Even If I don’t attend tomorrow’s lecture, I will have a solid 75% percent attendance based on my previous stats. Lol, who am I kidding?

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