14 Mistakes From The TV Series “FRIENDS” You Never Noticed


14 Mistakes From The TV Series “FRIENDS” You Never Noticed

Everyone knows and loves “FRIENDS” I need not say much about this series. I mean who doesn’t watch it? I guess you are living-under-the-rock if you haven’t heard about it or watched it. I mean who doesn’t watch it? Or who doesn’t like it? Most of you going through this posts are fans of this series and most probably you claim yourself to be “The-Greatest-Fan.” Well, I am here to challenge you. You haven’t noticed these mistakes. Even if you have, I bet you haven’t noticed more than 4.

So, here are 14 Silly Mistakes In FRIENDS Series You Didn’t Notice:

1.Well, Joey enters the room and bam! his shirt changes color. Uh-oh, Guys we notice! Don’t try to fool the fans, we are too damn smart then you think cameraman’s .



2.Yes, I know you were pretending to fall but still, hide that knee-pad for God’s sake. We think that the scene you are doing really is happening, like in real. So, please don’t break our illusion. *cries*




3. Puppets talk. We know that, right? F.R.I.E.N.D.S being F.R.I.E.N.D.S-the-greatest can make puppets switch hands in a blink. Well Guys, you need to see to it.




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